
Doom 3 Patch 1.3 1 Deutsch


Name Patch 1.iii
Author id Software
Submitted / Updated 10-06-2005 / 10-06-2005
Category_Name DOOM III
Description This is the v1.three Patch for DOOM 3 directly from id Software fixing rendering, localization and more. New items in this patch include Punk Buster Support, EAX Advanced HD support and much more! Read below for all the details.


Name Type Size Downloads Description
Submitted: 10-06-2005 / Final Updated:
3 -- 5482 Fixes & Updates in 1.3:


- PunkBuster(TM) support has been added. When enabling or disabling PunkBuster(TM) on a server, the game must be restarted before the change takes effect.

- EAX(R) Avant-garde HD(TM) support in the sound engine contributed past Creative Labs(R). Doom 3 base game comes with room reverb data.

- To utilize EAX(R) Avant-garde HD(TM) in Doom 3, you lot must have 100% EAX iv.0 compatible audio bill of fare. Please refer to your audio card manufacturer for details on whether or not your sound card supports EAX 4.0.

- Audio Blaster(R) Audigy(R) 2 users who wish to utilize the new EAX 4.0 feature in Doom 3 should download the latest Creative Beta Drivers for the card released on April fifth, 2005. Not using these drivers may result in game instability while using EAX 4.0.

- Server provides .pk4 file download URLs (http/ftp), client has internal download.

- New class of .pk4 files: 'addon paks' are only referenced when the map is loaded in.

- .pk4 downloads and addon paks come with a number of fixes to the 'pure server mode' filesystem lawmaking.

- Fixed ragdoll bounce.

- Stock-still how Doom three detects LAN client vs. Internet clients.

- LZW compression of render demos.

- Fixed command line parameter passing.

- Added a Quake III-style graph of the connection quality for network clients. It can be toggled with the console command net_clientLagOMeter i or 0. This displays a graph of how much the customer predicts alee of the server. Notation that as a host y'all can specify a client'due south minimum prediction alee of the server with net_clientPrediction followed by the number of milliseconds. Increasing this value may help with lag.

- Saved Games from previous versions of the Russian version of Doom 3 cannot be loaded subsequently installing the 1.3 patch. Also, when saving games with Russian characters, names with same amount of characters overwrite each other subsequently installing the ane.three patch. It is recommended yous use non-Cyrillic characters when creating saved games in the Russian version of Doom 3. External Website Beyond Our Control

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Download DOOM-iii-Patch-1.3
Submitted: x-06-2005 / Last Updated: 2014--0-six-

Fixes & Updates in 1.3:


- PunkBuster(TM) support has been added. When enabling or disabling PunkBuster(TM) on a server, the game must be restarted earlier the change takes issue.

- EAX(R) Advanced Hard disk(TM) support in the sound engine contributed by Creative Labs(R). Doom 3 base game comes with room reverb data.

- To use EAX(R) Advanced Hard disk(TM) in Doom 3, you must have 100% EAX iv.0 compatible audio carte du jour. Please refer to your sound menu manufacturer for details on whether or not your sound carte supports EAX four.0.

- Audio Blaster(R) Audigy(R) 2 users who wish to utilize the new EAX 4.0 feature in Doom 3 should download the latest Artistic Beta Drivers for the card released on April 5th, 2005. Non using these drivers may result in game instability while using EAX 4.0.

- Server provides .pk4 file download URLs (http/ftp), customer has internal download.

- New class of .pk4 files: 'addon paks' are only referenced when the map is loaded in.

- .pk4 downloads and addon paks come with a number of fixes to the 'pure server mode' filesystem code.

- Stock-still ragdoll bounciness.

- Fixed how Doom 3 detects LAN client vs. Internet clients.

- LZW pinch of render demos.

- Stock-still command line parameter passing.

- Added a Quake III-style graph of the connection quality for network clients. Information technology can exist toggled with the console command net_clientLagOMeter 1 or 0. This displays a graph of how much the client predicts ahead of the server. Note that equally a host you can specify a client'south minimum prediction alee of the server with net_clientPrediction followed past the number of milliseconds. Increasing this value may help with lag.

- Saved Games from previous versions of the Russian version of Doom 3 cannot be loaded after installing the 1.iii patch. Also, when saving games with Russian characters, names with aforementioned amount of characters overwrite each other after installing the 1.3 patch. It is recommended you use not-Cyrillic characters when creating saved games in the Russian version of Doom 3.

External Website Across Our Control
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Posted past kingpin13 ( 58.10.thirty.thirty ) at 2005-12-29 14:49:59

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Doom 3 Patch 1.3 1 Deutsch,


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