
Comment Enregistrer Un Projet After Effect En Mp4

A step-by-stride guide to saving a .MP4 in After Effects.

Every bit one of the most versatile and widely-accustomed video formats in the world, there are a lot of reasons every bit to why yous might potentially need to save a video as MP4. Still, if you're reading this article chances are yous might exist having some trouble exporting MP4 video out of Subsequently Effects, and for expert reason...

You Tin'T Consign MP4 Videos in After Effects… You have to utilize Media Encoder.

Or at least you tin can't consign MP4 video in Afterward Furnishings if you're using any version of Later on Effects CC 2014 and beyond.

The reason is simple, MP4 is a commitment format. This means MP4 is used primarily equally a video container format when you lot are finished with your final production and Later on Effects isn't a software for delivering finished products. Instead Later Furnishings is a software you use in the middle of the video creation process. It is expected that an creative person that is using Afterwards Effects would render out their compositions into an intermediate (less-compressed) codec and finalize their video in Premiere Pro earlier exporting using Media Encoder to export for delivery.

AE to ME to Mp4.jpg

Now practically speaking we don't always have a reason to use Premiere Pro. Sometimes we just want to consign an MP4 directly from After Furnishings to speedily show a client, or upload to the web. When this happens you might be frustrated to find no MP4 codec in sight, but don't worry. You lot can notwithstanding export Subsequently Furnishings compositions as MP4 using Media Encoder. Here'southward how:

How to Export After Effects Compositions as MP4: Footstep by Step

Desire to export an MP4? Here's how to do it using Afterwards Effects and Adobe Media Encoder. You tin likewise download this handy stride-by-stride PDF then you tin reference information technology in the hereafter.


The get-go footstep is really simple, equally long as you have Media Encoder installed on your computer, with your composition selected navigate to Limerick > Add to Media Encoder Queue. This will automatically start Media Encoder if it is not already open up on your machine. You can also utilize the keyboard shortcut Pick+Command+M to send your composition to Media Encoder.

Step 2: Conform SETTINGS

Once inside of Adobe Media Encoder select the dropdown menu on the far left of your screen. This will open a bill of fare where you lot can select your output format. Now you might exist inclined to simply hit the 'MPEG-iv' setting, but MPEG-4 is not the same equally MP4. MP4 is a video container, MPEG-4 is a codec (more on this below). Instead select 'H264' from the dropdown menu. This will export your video in an MP4 video container using an H264 codec (information technology's confusing, I know...).


Once you've adjusted your settings to your liking hitting the 'Export' push. That'southward all there is to it!

Then.... What is MP4?

In that location's a chip of misconception out there well-nigh what MP4 actually means. As a movement designer or video professional it's essential that we empathize what MP4 means.

MP4 = Video Container

MP4 is a video container format. This means information technology'southward a file format that houses the video, sound, airtight captioning, and metadata that makes up an actual video. You lot tin can always tell what video container a given video file is by the extension at the stop of the file. Pop video containers include MOV, AVI, FLV, and MP4. In that location's a full list of video containers on Wikipedia. In fact, if y'all're on a mac you lot can simply go in and change the file extension from MOV to MP4 and the video file will work perfectly. It's pretty crazy.

Note: An MP4 file is not more compressed than an MOV file, it all has to do with the compressed video within the container, not the container itself. MP4 just happens to support codecs that tend to be more compressed than some of the professional-level codecs supported by MOV.

Video Container vs Codec.png

Important Ramble: MP4 is not the same as H.264…

A lot of video people get the two dislocated. MP4 and H264 are not the same thing...

H264 = Codec

H264 is a codec, which means it is a tool used to code and decode video files. Codecs file size is directly related to video quality. Codecs that significantly reduce the size of your video file are normally very depression in quality. Codecs are housed inside of videos containers like MP4 and MOV (Quicktime). An H264 file tin stop with a .mp4, .mov, along with other popular video container file extensions. In brusque, only considering a video was exported in an H264 codec doesn't mean that the video is an MP4 video as well.

This guy explains information technology better...

If yous want to learn more about codecs this video from David Kong is immaculate. Information technology's the best guide that i've found for understanding codecs and how they work.

I hope y'all constitute this commodity to exist helpful. It can be a lot to grasp, simply in one case you lot know your codecs and containers y'all'll feel like a video wizard.

Comment Enregistrer Un Projet After Effect En Mp4,


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